Believe it or not, there’s not a one size fits all answer to the question “what time of year is best for senior pictures?”

The most popular time of year here in Pittsburgh for senior photos is no doubt the fall, usually in October. We are blessed with some beautiful foliage in the autumn months here in Western Pennsylvania, and many seniors want to take advantage of that for their photos! And it’s always nice to not be sweating during your senior pictures, which is often the case in summer.

However, instead of telling you what the best time of the year is for senior pictures, I’d love to help you figure out when would be the best time for YOU by walking you through some questions:


Does being really hot or really cold bother you?

I know, kind of a weird question, but stay with me! If you aren’t a fan of hot and humid weather, you’ll probably be miserable during a summer session. On the flip side, if you aren’t a fan of the cold, waiting until mid November for your senior photos probably isn’t a great option, either. But if you’re a huge fan of summer and can’t wait to wear a sun dress or shorts and a T-shirt for your photos, then summer might be the perfect time for your photos! Which leads me to my next question…

What kind of clothing do you picture yourself wearing for your photos?

This might help you decide what season you want your photos taken in! If you aren’t fan of short sleeves/pants and prefer long sleeves and/or layers, a cooler timeframe might be better for you - think early spring or mid to late fall! However, if you really like summer attire and want to show off your summer tan, a warmer month (June, July, August) might be perfect for you!

What is your preferred type of scenery?

This one might be obvious, but I think it’s worth throwing in here anyways, because there are some types of scenery that are “best” during certain times of year. For example - if you want lots of beautiful blooms in your photos, spring is a must! Summer can also be a good time for photos with flowers, especially at a location like Hartwood Acres Mansion, because their garden is in full bloom by late summer. But you won’t find many flowers in the fall (obviously! ;) ).

When do you actually have time for your photo session?

Last but not least, what does your schedule look like? Is the school year super crazy for you with sports and extracurriculars? Then it might be best to have your senior photos taken over the summer! Or is summer super crazy for you? Will you be traveling all over the place without much of a break? Then consider booking a senior session for the school year! Whatever the case, having an idea of when you’ll have a bit of extra time is important. Senior photos are meant to be fun and relaxing - a celebration of the end of a season and the beginning of a new one! So if trying to schedule your session during a certain time of year stresses you out, then don’t even go there. Choose a time where you’ll actually get to enjoy the experience without being too rushed!


If you’ve considered all of these questions and you’re still not sure, know that you can’t go wrong with any season, really! Spring, summer, fall, and winter all have their pros and cons when it comes to scheduling a senior session during any one of them - and the “best” time is different for each senior based on their personal needs, preferences, and schedule!


But if you want to know what I think… my (personal) favorite months for senior photos are end of April/early May (with the beautiful spring flowers!), August (right before school starts, everything is so green, and seniors are less stressed), and end of September into all of October (fall foliage and cool weather is my absolute favorite!). I also love winter senior sessions when there is snow… because it’s such a unique backdrop! The cold isn’t always so fun, but the beautiful scenery makes it worth it!

Pictured below from left to right: spring, summer, fall, winter.
