Now that you’ve booked your senior session – what’s next?! Besides choosing outfits, is there anything else that you should consider before your session? I’ve compiled a few of my most helpful tips and tricks for making the MOST out of your senior session below!

1. Consider having your makeup professionally done.

If you’re a girl looking for a little pampering before your senior photos, having your makeup professionally done can be the PERFECT way to do so! But even more than that, there are specific techniques makeup artists have for applying makeup for professional photography that can enhance your final photo product. Even if you’re not the type of girl who wears makeup very often, a little bit of foundation and eye makeup can be a small investment that will make your images look radiant for years to come!

If you’re looking for a more cost-effective alternative than hiring a professional makeup artist, try heading to the beauty counter at Macy’s or Ulta for a little makeup advice or mini-makeover!

2. Consider having your hair professionally done.

I had to throw this one in here because sometimes taming the mane can be IMPOSSIBLE, especially if you absolutely need your hair to cooperate, am I right? Sometimes, the peace of mind that comes from scheduling a hair appointment the day of your session can be worth every penny.

As an extra tip: if you’re planning on trying out a whole new hairdo, make sure you schedule your hair cut about two weeks before your session date. That way, your hair will have a little bit of time to settle into the cut, but will still retain the style!

3. Paint your nails or splurge to have them professionally done!

You might be thinking, “will my nails really be in my photos that much?!” The answer is a resounding YES! Your hands and nails will show up in your photos much more than you think, and even though it might be okay to rock that chipped nail polish on the daily, it’s not going to look so cute hanging on your mom’s wall twenty years from now. Take ten minutes the night before (or morning of) your session to clean off old polish and/or add a fresh coat of color. Your future self will thank you!

4. Treat yourself to a new outfit, accessory, or pair of shoes – or rent one instead!

The week before my engagement session, I opened up my closet, and all of a sudden I had NOTHING to wear (can anyone else relate?!).

A photo session can be the perfect excuse for a shopping trip to add a new outfit or two to your wardrobe! (I like to recommend one more upscale outfit and one casual outfit, as a rule of thumb!)

But if you’re not looking to add a whole new outfit, consider adding in a new top, skirt, dress, necklace, hat, or pair of shoes can bring an average outfit to a whole ‘nother level!

Or, if you’re looking for something extra special without a huge financial commitment, consider renting a dress, skirt, or skirt from – it’s the perfect way to wear something extra special for a day without having to actually purchase it!

And there you have it – four tips for prepping (and pampering) yourself for your senior session! For more tips, tricks, and advice be sure to check out the JHP insta page here!
