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Favorite Resources for Planning a Pittsburgh Wedding


Favorite Resources for Planning a Pittsburgh Wedding

Okay, let's be honest: one of the toughest parts about planning a wedding is figuring out where to find the best information! (And I right?!) There are SO MANY vendors to secure, so many locations to look at, so many decisions to make - how can you make sure that you're making the best decisions and getting the most up to date information for yourself and your groom? Well, today I'm sharing three of my favorite tips that, as a former bride AND wedding photographer, I have found to be incredibly helpful and resourceful!

And as a little side note - none of these resources have asked in any way for me to blog about them. I truly just believe them to be some of the best resources out there for planning a Pittsburgh wedding! So without further ado, here are a few of my favorites:


By far one of my favorite resources for Pittsburgh wedding planning for SO many reasons! Burgh Brides is run by a woman named Victoria, who has a heart for showcasing Pittsburgh nuptials in (in my opinion ;) ) one of the best cities ever! From real weddings, to styled shoots, to unique engagement sessions and tons of Pittsburgh inspiration, her blog is a must read for anyone planning a wedding in Pittsburgh! Here's a little more about her blog from her site:

"Burgh Brides is an online publication dedicated to inspiring, showcasing, and celebrating Pittsburgh weddings.  I love to show off the unique nuptials that take place in this great city, as well as to inspire brides and grooms to create their own extraordinary day.  I share steal-worthy ideas, connect couples with awesome vendors, help soon-to-be newlyweds plan a stress-free wedding, and highlight the love that is all across these three rivers.

So why a Pittsburgh wedding blog?  Head to my very first post to find out!  Then watch this video to find out even more about why Burgh Brides is SO special!"


Pittsburgh Wedding is another awesome resource for those planning a 'burgh wedding! From vendors to bridal shows to their blog, Pittsburgh Wedding features incredibly helpful information and a large variety of wedding vendors in the Greater Pittsburgh area, including Pittsburgh, Butler, Cranberry Township, Monroeville, Wexford, and Greensburg.

A little more from Pittsburgh Wedding:

"We have done our best to create a comprehensive website designed with you in mind, Burgh bride’s and groom’s. As you browse through our exclusive wedding directory, Pittsburgh wedding venues, wedding planning tips and wedding ideas, wedding toolshelpful how to articles, and bridal show listings, you will find everything you need to plan an unforgettable wedding in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

And folks - it truly is an incredibly comprehensive site with tons of info!


Blogs and websites are great, but what if you have a question that really only a bride can answer? Maybe you're looking for a service within a specific budget, or want to get a feel for how a particular vendor treats their couples and guests. Look no further than the Pittsburgh Wedding Flea market Group on Facebook! This group was made specifically for couples in the Pittsburgh area to connect and share helpful information (and, bonus: you can score some decor from past Pittsburgh weddings in here, too!).


4 Questions to Ask a Potential Wedding Vendor


4 Questions to Ask a Potential Wedding Vendor

Talk about a time to be alive and engaged! If you’re a bride in today’s world, you have so many awesome resources to be able to get all of the information you could ever imagine! Vendor lists, checklists, and testimonials are all at the tips of your fingers – and yet, while some of these lists can be super helpful with asking questions that cover the basics of what a vendor will provide for your wedding, sometimes they don’t reach into the heart of the matter.

Here’s how I like to think about it: how are you supposed to know if the vendor you’ve met with for forty-five minutes at a coffee shop once is capable of handling your wedding day, or if they really have the passion to push through all of the grit? There are lots of potential question lists available from places like The Knot, Wedding Wire, Brides, and the like who offer up some decent options, but after being quizzed by a number of brides myself, I’ve found that there are a couple of REALLY important questions that are rarely asked – questions that help you see not just what a person does, but who a person is. Don’t get me wrong – you definitely want to ask what they’ll do if they get sick the day of your wedding, if they have backup gear, and if they have liability insurance, but those questions barely scratch the surface of who a person is, which is just as important.

So if YOU are interested in having vendors at your wedding who aren’t just booking you for the cash, but who genuinely care about making your wedding day the very best it can be, I encourage you to try asking these questions:


1.  How and when did you get into [wedding photography, DJing, catering, event design, etc.]?

This is just an important question to know in general, and surprisingly, one that I rarely get asked as a wedding vendor!

2. What is the most rewarding part of your job?

This question will give you an idea of the “why” behind what they do. If you hire someone to produce a product or service for you, chances are if the person creating the product or performing the service has tons of passion and purpose behind their chosen career path, they’ll put a lot more effort into making whatever they do the very best it can be!

3. What’s the toughest part of your job?

To me, honesty is key. It’s always promising when someone can answer a question like this in a positive light without putting anyone down. There are parts of every job that are tough, but this question specifically will give you a good look into a person’s integrity.

4. Why did you choose [insert service] for your career?

Do they love what they do? Is it a passion, or a just a job? A recent book I read entitled "Creative Confidence" has allowed me to see the work I do as not just a job or a career, but as a calling. And, effectively, why it is so important to find others who are called to their work, not just working a job or pursuing a career.

For those who pursue a calling, their work is intrinsically rewarding in its own right - not just a means to an end.
— Tom Kelley & David Kelley, "Creative Confidence"

"Amy Wrzesniewski, an associate professor of organizational behavior at Yale University's School of Management... has found that people have one of three distinct attitudes toward the work they do: they think of it as either a job, a career, or a calling... When work is strictly a job, it may effectively pay the bills, but you're living mostly for the weekend and your hobbies. Those who see work as a career focus on promotions and getting ahead - checking off achievements rather than pursuing deeper meaning... for those who pursue a calling, their work is intrinsically rewarding in its own right - not just a means to an end. So, what you do professionally fulfills you personally as well. And often that work is meaningful because you are contributing to a larger purpose or feel part of a larger community." - Tom Kelley & David Kelley in "Creative Confidence"


Publication Feature: Whirl Weddings Spring 2018


Publication Feature: Whirl Weddings Spring 2018

There's something so fun about seeing your work in print. And in March of 2018, Bethany and Phil, a couple whose wedding I photographed in September of 2017, was featured in WHIRL Wedding's spring 2018 issue! Bethany and Phil's wedding ceremony was held at Heinz Chapel, followed by a reception at University Club (Pitt). It was a beautiful wedding with so many personalized details, including a guitar card box (made by the bride herself!).

To see more from Bethany and Phil's wedding, click here! Thanks so much for the feature, WHIRL Magazine!

Pittsburgh wedding photographer, university club pitt wedding photos, university club wedding photos, pittsburgh engagement photographer, phipps conservatory wedding photos, whirl wedding magazine spring 2018, whirl


Should I Send My Photographer My Wedding Pinterest Board?


Should I Send My Photographer My Wedding Pinterest Board?

Chances are, if you’re a bride (let’s be honest, even if you’re NOT a bride) you’ve created some sort of wedding Pinterest board to store all of your floral and decor wedding fantasies – am I right?! ;) The Knot reported that over 40 million people use Pinterest to plan their wedding every single year, pinning nearly 900 million pins as a collective wedding community. Can you believe that?!

Because of these high statistics, it’s safe to assume that wedding planning will never be the same ever again. We have access to more and more ideas than EVER before in every style, variety, and color scheme imaginable, enabling our generation to DIY some of the most beautiful, elegant, unique weddings in all of history.

In addition to affecting so many other industries within the wedding industry – florists, caterers, planners, makeup artists, venues, and the like – Pinterest has also affected the wedding photography industry. It’s safe to assume that more brides than ever are pinning their “must have” shot list with perfectly posed, lit, and framed imagery full of emotion.


But the question is – is this doing us more harm than good? Is this good for brides? For photographers? For the relationship between brides and photographers?!

My answer is: all of the above. There’s no straightforward answer, no magical formula to conquering the “should I send my photographer my Pinterest board?” question, but there are several pros and cons to consider when debating it. A few months ago, I asked my followers on Instagram about their experience with using Pinterest when planning their wedding photos. Simply put, in hindsight: was there anything they wish they would’ve done differently in relation to their wedding photography?


Kim responded that she wishes she had “a list of poses that [she] wanted! [She] made a Pinterest board for it but then all the ideas [she] thought were cute and unique totally went out the window.”

It’s true, having a Pinterest board with specific ideas that you REALLY want can help guide and remind you on your wedding day, and sending that board to your photographer beforehand can relieve the bride from the pressure of having to remember those few specific shots they really want!

But the question is – can there be such as thing as too many photos on your “wedding photo inspiration” board?

Brianna wishes she had “someone to tell [her] to NOT be such a planner with photos and poses and let the photographer just guide and direct [her] as the moment unfolded. [She] got so caught up in specific photos [she] wanted that [they] probably missed some more authentic moments… [She] was the bride with the list of must have shots and they didn’t look the way [she] envisioned in the end. Still pretty photos, but just not as [she] had expected them to look based on the Pinterest photo. [She] think[s] attempting Pinterest photos is such a failed attempt most of the time because there are so many elements to perfectly recreating a photo!”

So – now that we’ve looked at two differing perspectives, what is the best way to move forward with sending your wedding photographer your Pinterest board and/or wedding photography ideas? As a former bride and current wedding photographer, here are my suggestions:


1. If there are one or two photos you REALLY want, definitely send them to your wedding photographer.

Of course your wedding photographer wants you to be ecstatic about the final product of your wedding album and get the photos you REALLY want, so if there are a couple of shots you have to have, send them along! Be sure to tell your photographer specifically what you like about each photo you send. Is it the light? The posing? The emotion? The background? Communicating to your photographer why you like the photo will give them an idea of how they can incorporate that pose, light, or backdrop into your wedding photos in a way that is unique to your wedding and your relationship!

2. Trust your photographer!

You hired them for their expertise and because you love their work in the first place, right?! Then trust their judgment and expertise to photograph your story in a way that truly represents your wedding day – not someone else’s version of it.

One of the BEST feelings in the world on my own wedding day was knowing that I had hired a kick-butt photographer who I could fully trust. I didn’t send her one single photo as inspiration because I had done my homework beforehand and KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that she would apply all of her wonderful skills and expertise to MY wedding to create something unique for me and my husband. And let me tell you, she totally delivered!

3. Don’t use Pinterest as your standard for your wedding photos.

This, my friends, is a tough one. Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram, looking at other people’s grams and suddenly feel discontent with what you have? No matter how amazing your house is, someone else’s will always look better. No matter how cute your hair is, someone’s will always be cuter. That is the lie of comparison. Comparing ourselves to others makes us discontent with what we have, making us unable to ever be content. So I encourage you – if you’re having some serious wedding envy (trust me, I feel ya!), close your Pinterest browser. Shut down your app for a few weeks, days, or even until after your wedding is over. Let your day unfold in the unique way that only YOUR wedding can, because you are unique. Your husband is unique. Your photographer is unique. And your photos deserve to be unique!

Well – that’s all folks! A big thanks to Kim Huwe and Brianna Jones for sharing their thoughts on Pinterest and wedding photography.

It’s an honor to serve you! Until next time – happy planning!


The Problem with Wedding Photographers...


The Problem with Wedding Photographers...

A few weeks ago, I had an eye opening conversation with a friend.

We were walking around the mall (that’s what we have to do in Pittsburgh when it’s 6 degrees outside ;) ), and we started talking about business. We moved on to weddings. Then we moved on to our couples and to photographing them on their wedding days, one of the most significant days of their lives.

Then, we started talking about something that got my gears spinning. A question was brought up: am I shooting for my couples, or am I shooting for me?

The weight of this question hit me by surprise. Of COURSE I’m shooting for my couples, I mused. Why else would I be photographing all of these weddings if I wasn’t?

But then, the gears kept turning, and I thought back to a conversation I had with a former coworker. Recently married, I asked him what he would do differently about his wedding day, if he could. He answered “I’d insist that we take less pictures. I love how they turned out, but I missed out on a lot of my wedding day because we kept leaving to take photos. Before the ceremony, after the ceremony, during cocktail hour, and during our reception, we were pulled out multiple times for more photos. They insisted that we keep leaving our friends and family for more photos without taking our opinion into consideration.”

Whoa. As a wedding photographer, this hit me right in the gut. I began to wonder: am I putting too much pressure on my couples for the photos that I want? Or do they really want them, too?

Of course, there’s a balance, like with anything. Good photos take time.  It takes time to get a series of photos that represent who a couple is, to capture their friends and family, and to do it all in less time than an engagement session typically takes.

But, the question still remains: am I unnecessarily putting expectations on my couples to take photos that they don’t really want? Are we missing the boat as wedding photographers and camouflaging our desire to get photos that we love while sacrificing our the desires of our couples on one of the biggest days of their lives?

If wedding photography becomes about anything besides the couple, then we’re doing it wrong. We’ve missed the boat. We might say we’re in it for our couples, but in reality, we’re only in it for ourselves. That’s when wedding photography becomes selfish. And the temptation to make it about ME, the wedding photographer, is a great one. But if we can keep our eyes on what truly matters – on capturing this beautiful, sacred union and these two individuals on the first day of the rest of their lives, our focus will stay where it was always meant to be: on our couples.


How Can I Make Sure My Wedding Photos are Safe?!


How Can I Make Sure My Wedding Photos are Safe?!

My mom used to always say "if our house was burning down, the one thing I would make sure to grab (of course, after the kids!) would be my wedding album."

Lucky for those of us who tied the knot in the digital age, most of the time our photos are backed up on a cloud, or even to social media pages, allowing memories to live on even after disaster strikes. But I think there's something to be said about my mom's sentiment, and the importance of printed photos. Those photos in her wedding album tell the story of the beginning of her life with my dad, and of our lives as a family. They're precious, and priceless. They are the family legacy - an heirloom that, God willing, will be handed down generation after generation so everyone can see where, and how, it all started.

So, as a bride, what's the best way to go about making sure YOUR wedding images are safe? Below are a few tips for backing up your precious memories that will ensure - no matter what happens - that you will have them for years to come!

1. Invest in a professional wedding album.

I know what you're thinking: but they're so expensive! Trust me, I was a bride not too long ago and I can completely understand hesitancy based on price when it comes to professional wedding albums! Wedding albums are not only expensive for brides to invest in, but are also pricey for photographers to order, due to the high-quality materials used. A professional album will have thick, professional archival photo paper with the highest quality leather or linen, built to last for years to come. Some even go the extra mile to include a high quality storage box to keep it even safer! A wedding album is not only another great way to "back up" your wedding photos, but is a physical heirloom to pass down from generation to generation. That CD or USB drive you have might be great for making prints, but are you sure you'll be able to show your kids and grandkids your photos in 10, 20, or even 50 years? Technology will be much further then - you never know if those storage devices will even be around!


2. Store your photos on a cloud server.

With so many options for cloud storage nowadays, it's easier than ever to make sure your photos are somewhere safe outside of your home, in the case of fire, flood, or damage. A few of my favorites for online storage are: Dropbox, Google Drive, and Carbonite.

3. Spread the love to parents, grandparents, and other family members!

What do I mean by this? Well, in addition to investing in an album for yourself, consider investing in an album for your parents, your spouse's parents, and even your grandparents! Not only do albums (or coffee table books!) make nice gifts, but in the case of a fire or flood (God forbid!) your wedding photos are safe somewhere else. Plus - albums and coffee table books make great (and easy!) Christmas and birthday gifts after your wedding day!


4. Check to see how long your photographer keeps your wedding photos.

Some photographers keep all of the photos from your wedding day long after the event (I fall into this camp!) and some toss them after the event is over. Check with your wedding photographer to see how long they hold onto your digital files, and even ask how they back them up. Personally, I back up every wedding to two external hard drives, an online gallery system, and a cloud storage backup - mainly because I would want someone to do the same for me!

If you are interested in creating a wedding album, shoot me a message or send me an email at to learn more about the albums we offer!



My Embarrassing Confession as a Wedding Photographer

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My Embarrassing Confession as a Wedding Photographer

I have a confession: I disliked planning my own wedding. Granted, the year we got married I was finishing my last year of undergrad with a double major, working part-time, building a business, and holding down an internship (while I slowly drove myself insane). I thought planning would be all cookies and taste testings, but for someone who isn't the best decision-maker on the planet (raise your hand if you can relate 🙋) , wedding planning turned into a constant wearing down of my patience. One decision after another - flowers, seating charts, tuxes, bridesmaid dresses, shoes, hair, makeup - the list went on and on, and sometimes it felt completely endless. Maybe you're in the same boat.

I remember complaining about all of the decisions I had to someone, and then it struck me: the only decision that REALLY matters at all is the decision I've already made: to marry Nick. The toughest, most important one was already done. And somehow, that one realization brought so much peace into my life, not because it made any of the other decisions go away, but because it shrunk down the importance of any other decision I WOULD make from then on out when it came to anything wedding related.

So if you're a bride and you're in a similar season, remember: your choice of venue, direction of details, and even your appearance on the day of your wedding all pales in comparison to the man you've chosen to spend the rest of your life loving, serving, and respecting.

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More Than a Wedding Vendor


More Than a Wedding Vendor

One thing I hear most from people when talking about wedding photography is their fear of choosing vendors who care only about booking more jobs, not about the couple themselves. But I truly believe that couples deserve more than just a vendor - they deserve a friend and encourager who can come alongside them before, during, and after the wedding planning process - not just on the day of!

"Jenna is absolutely AMAZING. I can't imagine any aspect of my wedding without her. From the minute I found her, to meeting with her in person, to our engagement photos, to my endless emails and her very speedy, friendly, knowledgeable responses, to her meeting me at a local coffee shop and helping me create a wedding day timeline, to my wedding day itself. Also, can we just take a minute to go back to that day at the coffee shop when Jenna met with me? Yes, this wonderful, talented photographer took an hour and a half out of her extremely busy schedule to buy me coffee and help me create a detailed wedding day timeline. Jenna is the most genuine, thoughtful, positive person. Her passion for both photography and people is very apparent. It was a true joy working with her and her husband, Nick. My husband and I consider ourselves very lucky and blessed that they captured so many special moments for us. I would hire her again in a heartbeat. We're so grateful for everything, Jenna and Nick! We truly can't thank you enough." - Lyndsay, 2017 Bride


Brittany + Jason: Downtown Pittsburgh Elopement Photos


Brittany + Jason: Downtown Pittsburgh Elopement Photos

You know what's amazing? When people aren't afraid of a little cold weather on their wedding day! Brittany and Jason eloped OUTSIDE on the North Shore of Pittsburgh in the dead of winter, which pretty much makes them my heroes. And let me tell you, it was AMAZING! I always feel so honored photographing elopements where I am one of the only witnesses. Afterwards, we spent a couple of hours around the North Shore, Point State Park, and Market Square taking photos, taking a pit stop at The Foundry Table & Tap for a champagne toast! 

I really can't even begin to say enough good things about these two. By the end of our session, they felt like old friends who we had known them for years (even though we just met them that day!). Congratulations, Brittany and Jason! You two are truly something special - thank you so much for the honor of capturing these memories for you!

Ceremony by: Integral Weddings

Shelter from the Cold: The Foundry Table & Tap


Best of Wedding Details, 2017 Edition


Best of Wedding Details, 2017 Edition

If you've worked with me (or have seen my work!) you can probably guess that I LOVE photographing bridal wedding details! And this year I photographed some absolutely STUNNING bridal details with a variety of different color palettes and themes! I love how styled detail photos can pull a whole wedding gallery together - so without further ado, here are a few of my favorite bridal details from 2017 weddings!
